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You know you have to spend money on marketing to grow your business, but it’s hard to determine how much, and it’s even harder to decide what counts as marketing for an independent craft business. We want to help you set the parameters of your...

As we near the close of the year, we like to reflect on the more successful marketing trends we saw in 2016 and we predict what we see trending for 2017. Let's begin with a few 2016 trends that we utilized in the agency for...

Social media has changed the relationship between manufacturers and retailers, retailers and consumers. As the traditional models of product distribution shift and morph under the influence of ecommerce and digital marketing, all the points of the sales chain need to find ways to engage that...

If you’re in a crafting business, showcasing your products and the wonderful things that can be made from them on an image-based social media platform such as Instagram is a great way to reach your potential customers. Until recently, however, Instagram was exactly that--a showcase...

We’ve all done it. You’re in the aisle at the big box store, trying to make a decision among the three different models of microwaves you’ve carefully researched before setting foot in a store. Uh-oh! It looks like they’re out of stock on the one...

Advertising is crucial to growing your customer base and in turn, your business. Knowing how to spend your advertising budget so that you get the best possible return on investment (ROI) is a task that many business owners don’t feel prepared to undertake. There are...

What is a PPC Ad? Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a deal you make with Google or other search engines to improve the power of your sponsored advertising. Google AdWords is the most popular PPC advertising system; if you sign up for the AdWords platform, your ads will appear...