My guest today Amy Singer is pioneer publisher of the quarterly digital e-magazine Knitty.com. We discuss the evolution of pattern publishing and Patreon support.
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#1 Let’s start with a little bit about your origin story. How did you have the idea of Knitty way back in 2002? [2:08]
#2 I’m curious if you came to the idea with a lot of IT background or did you have techs to help you with the back end? [6:30]
#3 For those listeners that might not know, Knitty is more than just free patterns. Walk us through what else the platform offers. [10:25]
#4 I understand from previous conversation with you that you changed the structure of how Knitty is funded. Tell us about that switch and why you did that? [17:15]
#5 Right now you have like 2800 Patrons, so I’d love to have our listeners get you to 3000! Tell us about some of the different tiers of support to get people excited? [21:41]
#6 With all the traffic that you drive to Knitty, I assume you’ve played a hand in launching careers for many knitwear designers. Are there any stories there you want to share with us? [27:47]
#7 Similarly, there might be designers or other contributors curious about how they might get published in Knitty. What’s the process to work with you? [33:57]
#8 I know you are really multi-craftual and you dabble in many other crafts. You did KnittySpin on the platform to explore fiber spinning, are you still doing that on the platform? [38:58]
#9 Do you have plans for expanding into a specific focus on any other crafts at this time? [40:12]
#10 With all the recent changes this year in craft publishing, do you have any predictions as to what you see on the landscape horizon for pattern publishing? [42:00]
#11 Talk to us about the difference between mobile and desktop, when viewing the site. [43:52]