[1:50] Meg, you’re quite the adventurer. I actually had to look up Hapkido to see that it’s a Korean martial art of self defense and I got this vision of you whipping around nunchucks. How did you get interested in that hobby?
[3:33] Your love for all things audio began as a freshman in high school when you joined the school’s radio station. Tell us more about your origin story?
[5:38] In marketing, we’re hearing so much more about how we need to move away from just clicks and followers to nurturing engagement through community. Can you elaborate on how podcasting can do that?
[7:50] You and I met at the Bernina University event in June where you were producing podcast content for the show you host, Sew & So. You were interviewing Kaffe Fasset I recall? Tell us about that experience?
[10:40] On your website, you say that if you’re not podcasting, you’re missing a vital element to a marketing strategy. Why is that?
[15:20] One of the things I love about podcasting is how craft-friendly it is? I want my hands to be busy so I love listening while I’m sewing and knitting. I know if I had a choice between crafting and reading blogs or articles or browsing socials, I’m usually creating. So, it’s a great tool for crafty brands to reach people like that. Would you agree?
[17:30] What do you think are the elements of a great podcast show?
[20:40] What are some podcast shows you listen to that you think are especially well-done?
[28:50] I’m sure there are listeners who are intrigued about podcasting now and want to know more about how they can be successful with a show. So, let’s hear some of your best advice on getting started?
[34:45] How about frequency? We started out doing 2 shows a month and I found that to be hard to sustain after a year or so. Then we moved to a seasonal format and we produce 6-8 shows in the Spring and Fall and that works a lot better for us.
[37:50] And how about equipment? What would be a good basic setup for podcasting?
[41:20] I’ve been podcasting for just over 3 years now and I’ve learned a lot about do’s and don’ts. I wonder if you could share what’s on your do/ don’t list?
[46:25] Your company The Flint Rock produces podcasts and audio magazines. What’s the difference?
[48:58] Can you tell us more about your services and how you help businesses in this space?