My guest today Nancy Marshall is an award-winning Public Relations expert and the CEO of Marshall Communications, a marketing firm headquartered in Augusta, Maine. Also affectionately known as the “PR Maven”, Nancy recently launched a new public relations podcast.
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#1 Can you start us off with your definition of what PR is? [2:55]
#2 Give us a snapshot of how PR was done in the early nineties. [5:49]
#3 What do you think about how that shift has changed to social media having a bigger impact now? [9:47]
#4 Do you struggle with measuring the ROI on a printed piece of PR? Does the old school method of calculating the value of that page still hold true? [12:12]
#5 Do you have tips for incorporating storytelling into a marketing strategy? [18:40]
#6 What would you say to someone who is not comfortable being the face of the brand and sharing their story? [28:30]
#7 I love to look back into 2018 and pull out learning opportunities from other companies so I wanted to throw a few at you and see if you can give us the lesson learned? [30:30]
#8 I read a lot about experiential marketing and I wonder if you can give our listeners some practical tips for implementing some form of experience into their marketing for 2019? [36:20]
#9 What is the craziest adventure you’ve ever said yes to? [41:47]