#1 What would you say is one of the most common scenarios you see crafty entrepreneurs dealing with in the realm of difficult customer relations? [2:44]
#2 Are there different categories of complainers? Different types if you will? [4:41]
#3 What tips do you have for those customers from whom you know you need to distance yourself? [8:15]
#4 With social media now, it seems that haters can gain traction really quickly so the potential damage to your brand can be much greater than it used to be. Can you speak to that a little bit? [11:25]
#5 I know from working with clients at our agency, most people want to delete negative comments from social channels (FB or Twitter for example), why is that one of the absolute worst thing you can do? [13:21]
#6 I know we have listeners out there who are thinking, I’m not ignoring it, I just didn’t see it! With so little time to spare, are there any tricks or tips you have to keep a finger on what people are saying about your brand on social channels? [18:11]
#7 A lot of listeners actually have brick and mortar retail locations where an unhappy customer might walk in the door. Do you have different strategies for online vs. in-person interactions? [21:27]
#8 Let’s talk about good customer service and how to recognize that. I recently read a study that said over 80% of businesses think they deliver superior customer service but only 8% of customers agree. Where do you think this huge gap in perception comes from? [25:31]
#9 What are some of the best customer service techniques you’ve seen in the craft industry? [27:51]
#10 In Hug Your Haters, Jay says that by 2020, over 90% of companies will supply customer service through social media. What do you think that will look like for most crafty businesses? [32:24]
#11 What are some other mistakes you see business owners make with difficult customers? [36:33]
#12 So I always ask my guests a quirky question and I know you’re married to an Australian, so I thought we could do a little game of cultural slang translation? [39:54]
OK, so explain these things to us:
- Playing the Pokies
- Watching the footy
- Wearing your thongs to the beach