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Facebook.com is an incredible marketing tool that allows yarn companies and yarn shops to see inside the hearts and minds of their customer. Having a fanpage about your yarn company or yarn shop puts your finger directly on the pulse of how knitters and crocheters...

Over the holiday I visited a girlfriend out of town. While there, I dropped into a music store and bought a few things for my daughter who plays violin.  On a whim, I asked the owner if he had any 1/2 size violins for sale...

So, you've got an e-newsletter for your yarn shop but maybe it's very small or hasn't grown much in recent months. What to do? Here are some tips to build your consumer e-newsletter specifically for yarn shops: Tip 1: Be sure you're gaining PERMISSION to send an...

In my last posting, I blogged about the social media tool, Twitter and the many reasons WHY it's so important for yarn shops and yarn businesses to establish Twitter accounts for your main identities. At the very least, set up an account for your knitting business...

I don't know about you, but I LOVE stories about how businesses were born. Here is mine: As an advertising sales rep for a national knitting magazine, I spent several years talking to shop owners and what I call "yarnie entrepreneurs" about what marketing efforts gave them the...