The Goal: Produce seasonal pattern collections of inspiring designs with well-known designers using Miss Babs yarns. Release dates should coincide with events that Miss Babs attends for maximum sales opportunities.
The Strategy:
Over several seasons we developed a network of reliable, well-known designers; implemented a designer submission process; developed a style guide and pattern design template in conjunction with the client; provided technical editing, test knitting management and graphic layout services; and delivered multiple successful collections released in time for Stitches West, Maryland Sheep & Wool, New York Sheep & Wool (Rhinebeck) and other seasonal festivals as well as in print and on Ravelry.
The Result:
The pattern collections were released on time to great reviews and sales. With each collection release, approximately half the new patterns would appear near the top in Ravelry’s Hot Right Now pattern pages (within the top 100 patterns). We also maintained positive ongoing relationships between designers and Miss Babs for future collaborations by facilitating mutually beneficial terms throughout the processes.