Managing Your Social Media Marketing in 45 Minutes a Day

Managing your social media marketing in 45 minutes a day blog post

Managing Your Social Media Marketing in 45 Minutes a Day

Social Media Marketing

Are you so busy running your crafty business that social media marketing falls by the wayside? We know you’re one person (or a few people) trying to wear all the hats, and building social media platforms and a healthy newsletter list can seem daunting, but investments in these tasks are where you can see the best return for your efforts. Still cringing?

Let Stitchcraft Marketing help! Sign up today for our newsletter and we’ll send you a PDF sharing our tried and true matrix for managing your social media strategy in as little as 45 minutes a day. This is the same “secret sauce” matrix we use when we manage our agency clients’ social media marketing programs.

Each day of the week is broken down into small blocks of time in which you can execute on the fundamentals of your social marketing, and we’ve added our best tips and tricks (and links to tutorials) to help you produce your best content, evaluate what’s working and keep reaching your goals. 

And if you don’t have that time in your busy schedule, we also talk about how to recruit folks to help you with these efforts. It takes a village!

If you’re ready to take the next steps in your social media marketing plan, sign up today for the Stitchcraft Marketing newsletter and receive this PDF for FREE.

If you have any questions or want our help in strategizing or planning your content, contact us today to schedule a free consulting session. We’d love to help you reach your crafty business goals!

Leanne Pressly
1 Comment
  • Priya Sharma
    Posted at 02:28h, 14 July Reply

    Hi there thanks for sharing this article with us, I am going to do digital marketing for my brand and this article is really very helpful for me.

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