25 Jun Why Do Readers Unsubscribe From Your Newsletter?
As a team of marketing professionals that specializes in the craft industry, we know that an email newsletter can be the most impactful tool for building and maintaining a connection with your audience. Think about it: each person who has subscribed has said “yes, I like this shop enough to let them show up in my inbox.”
You want to nurture that trust so you can keep showing up in their email. What does a great email look like, though? Today’s post will help. The account executives at Stitchcraft share our insights based on years of experience managing newsletters for craft businesses and as makers who subscribe (and unsubscribe) from many craft newsletters.
Marketing Managers Tell Us Why They Sign Up for Newsletters
What are the reasons you sign up for a newsletter?
- To get the freebie: a free pattern, coupon, or discount
- I want to support the maker / business. I have followed them on other social platforms for a while and like knowing more about them.
- To stay on top of any upcoming launches, events, or sales.
- I find that person’s content to be valuable and I want it to come to me instead of remembering to go to the blog or website.
- To see what’s new in a snapshot, especially when I don’t want to follow them on social media.
Takeaway: Offer high quality incentives, regularly invite people to support you, and provide valuable content. Newsletters are especially important for your customers who aren’t on social media. Remember to include some “give” content (ie, helpful / educational content that is not tied to a purchase).
What are the reasons you open and read a newsletter?
- Get the content that was teased as an offer when I signed up.
- I’m a sucker for a good subject line that hints at the content.
- If I found the content to be enjoyable and/or helpful in the past.
- They teased an exclusive offering I’m excited about on socials so now I’m watching for their emails like a kid waiting for Santa.
Takeaway: Hint at the newsletter content in the subject line, consistently provide fun and interesting content, and let your subscribers enjoy a feeling of being the “first to know” because they signed up.
What causes you to unsubscribe from a newsletter?
- Too much text.
- Repetition of information.
- When I open a regular newsletter right after the “thank you for subscribing” freebie and it’s immediately sell sell sell.
- Infrequent newsletters, causing me to forget who they are or lose general interest. Or inconsistent sends like once a week then nothing for months.
- If my interest in that craft has waned.
- Too many newsletters overall.
Takeaway: Keep text to a minimum and make it skimmable (with subheadings, bullets, and bold words). Don’t treat the newsletter as a place to always dump links to all the new items, promos, and events/provide valuable content that shows the variety and diversity of your craft to keep people interested.
Stitchcraft Marketing Reveals What Works for Newsletters
What has worked for your clients to get people to sign up for the newsletter?
- Limited time discount or promo code
- Free pattern download
- Free content (e.g. printables like craft gift labels, project planners, etc)
- Access to mystery make-alongs
What does the client do that encourages people to open the newsletter?
- Great subject lines– language about contests, free content, or discounts.
- Offers new information, new sales, classes, deals, and project inspiration.
- Content is a mix of educational and promotional.
- Promoting the newsletter on social media by teasing upcoming free content that will be in a future newsletter during things like FB + IG lives.
What causes readers to unsubscribe from your clients’ newsletters?
- Poor formatting. People unsubscribe from emails that are disorganized or cluttered with poor images, text all over the place, no uniformity to the layout or clarity to information presentation.
- People move away or lose interest.
- Too many newsletters, or an otherwise too-full inbox.
- I notice some unsubscribes after a make-along ends, like they’ve opted in for the MKAL then opt out when it’s done.
Whether you’ve been sending a newsletter for ages or you’re finally convinced that you should start one, keep the lessons from this post in mind. Regularly send a clean, attractive, organized newsletter that gives readers insights into your shop or brand. Include promotions that are relevant and timely. Don’t just focus on selling—include “give” content to demonstrate authority, generosity, and knowledge.
If you’re ready to advance to next-level newsletter performance, consider tailoring newsletters to different audiences via customer segmentation. Whether you’re brand new to newsletters or experienced enough to know they could be serving you better, we can help! Stitchcraft Marketing is a full service marketing agency for the craft industry ready to make magic for your brand. If you’d like more help strategizing authentic or aspirational content for your business, contact us today!
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