Business of Craft Podcast: Craft a Better Business

Business of Craft Podcast: Craft a Better Business


Stitchcraft Marketing Presents Business of Craft Podcast

Stitchcraft Marketing is pleased to announce the launch of Business of Craft, a podcast for crafty business owners. Each episode features interviews with business leaders and entrepreneurs from fiber arts, fabric, sewing, and other creative companies so you can learn to craft a better business.

Our first handful of episodes are easy to listen to on your morning commute, while walking the dog, or when you settle in with your projects. Leanne Pressly, CEO and #BossLady of Stitchcraft Marketing, interviews the best and brightest stars of our industry in a free flowing conversation based on a particular topic. We also touch upon a few interesting tidbits for each guest including poetry, baking bread, avoiding knitting, and Disney.

At the time of this posting, we have 5 episodes published, with more than 900 downloads. Our guests and topics include:

Episodes 7 and 8 are ready to roll in the coming days and weeks. You can look forward to new episodes on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of each month. We encourage you to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any great secret sauce tips!

Have you already had the opportunity to listen in? Business of Craft is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and Libsyn.

At Stitchcraft Marketing, we build magic for your brand. Would you like to be a guest on Business of Craft? Contact Click here to contact Leanne and get started.


Stitchcraft Marketing
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